20 Years, 4 Beers
A show dedicated to re-watching classic films from two decades ago, while drinking a minimum of four modern beers. Two brothers sit down and discuss their memories of the film, review the beer, and make fun of each other a lot...as brothers do!
20 Years, 4 Beers
Episode 116 - "Sideways"
Meendering Brothers
Season 5
Episode 26
"WE ARE NOT DRINKING ANY F*&KING MERLOT" still remains a line Steve quotes at least once a week after two decades, which is just one way this film has found a way to still be relevant today. In the newest episode we sit and discuss a topic that Tim knows nothing about...movies... actually wine, and rewatch 2004's indie hit, "Sideways."
Along with some fun new trivia, four new beers, and lots of laughs, we think you will enjoy this episode almost as much as we did to make it. Find us online at 20years4beers.com for more!