20 Years, 4 Beers
A show dedicated to re-watching classic films from two decades ago, while drinking a minimum of four modern beers. Two brothers sit down and discuss their memories of the film, review the beer, and make fun of each other a lot...as brothers do!
20 Years, 4 Beers
Episode 97 - "Kill Bill Volume 2"
Meendering Brothers
Season 5
Episode 7
Montalban!!! Khaaaaan!!!
Yeah that makes no sense until you listen, but we are ok with that
There are not many directors who we respect more than Quentin Tarantino, and in this new episode we finish the Kill Bill Saga rewatch and discuss 2004's revenge classic, "Kill Bill Volume 2." Along with our rewatch, we discuss our favorite revenge films, the new classic TV show Fallout, enjoy some great new beers, and a lot of fun trivia.
We hope you enjoy it, and thanks for your support! Find us at 20years4beers.com for more info.