20 Years, 4 Beers
A show dedicated to re-watching classic films from two decades ago, while drinking a minimum of four modern beers. Two brothers sit down and discuss their memories of the film, review the beer, and make fun of each other a lot...as brothers do!
20 Years, 4 Beers
Episode 96 - "The Films of 1994"
Meendering Brothers
Season 5
Episode 6
We present our first 30 Year retrospective of this season and take a look back at the all-time year of 1994. 2004 was not the greatest year in film history, and as a result we figured we would look back to one of the best years in film history.
In this episode we discuss classic comedies like "Dumb and Dumber," and "Ace Ventura," classic action like "Speed" and "True Lies," animated classics like "Lion King" and even some all-time dramas such as "Quiz Show." 1994 was so good that we wanted to change our format just to talk about it.
Thanks for listening, and find us at 20years4beers.com for more!